A recent development for advertisers in their quest to break the walls of self-segregation in social media is Twitter’s web analytics. Instead of having to hope  advertising campaigns are reaching their designated marketing areas, this tool will give business on a social journey the ability to market towards its consumers based on where their geo-location. The following image comes from the Marketaire.

It may not be the holy grail, but when it comes to gaining a response from your audience, it is a start. In order for an advertiser to decipher whether their marketing strategy works, they must receive some type of a response–whether it is based on increased purchasing patterns in consumers or general customer recall.

In relation to self-segregation in social media, this tool may help configure what strategies or messages are popular in different areas–which can lead to a stronger overall message in local communities. Businesses have been trying to discover how they can redefine their reach for a better ROI (Return on Investment); this is the next step in identifying, not only potential or new demographics to break into but, which messages relate most to the consumer. If companies want to gain a competitive edge against self-segregation on social networking sites, you must invest in yourself and your business–for tangible and intangible results.